Every Day In America

3 children die from abuse or neglect.

3 children and youth under 25 die from HIV infection.

6 children commit suicide

13 children are homicide victims

15 children are killed by firearms.

95 babies die.

145 babies are born at very low birth weight.

342 children under 18 are arrested for violent crimes.

518 babies are born to mothers who had late or no parental care.

790 babies are born at low birth weight.

1,407 babies are born to teen mothers.

2,660 babies are born into poverty.

2,833 children drop out of school

3,398 babies are born to unmarried mothers.

6,042 children are arrested

8,493 children are reported abused or neglected.

100,000 children are homelss.

135,000 children take guns to school.

Taken from the Children's Defense Fund



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