A Journey - - A story to Encourage

Do not get discouraged because you were taken away from your family. There is a reason for everything and something good will come out of it. You are special. You are going into a whole new world and new adventures. Learning things and doing things most people don't get to experience. Though it is not an easy journey, it will make you strong and give you a knowledge most people don't have. But you must use your knowledge, not for bad, but for good. Because in the end good will triumph over evil. There are a few things you need on your journey. It's called the Journey for Help.

HOPE: A feeling that what is wanted will happen; desire accompanied by expectation.

Hope is one of the things you need on your journey. Hope is like your dreams. If you don't have them what would you look forward to, who would you be or what would you do? If you don't hope for something how are you going to get it? Don't listen to people when they say, "Don't get your hopes up." It may take a while to get what you hope for but it's usually worth the wait. It's a rough journey but hope will help you get through. Don't let go. Just remind yourself who you want to be and what you want to do. Hold on to your dreams. Hold on to hope.

EXPERIENCE: The effect on a person of anything or everything that has happened to that person; individual reaction to events, feelings, etc. Experience is something that you will gain on your journey. You are going to go thorough life with people telling you what you can and can't do. But listen and learn. You never know when that knowledge or experience may come in useful. It will help you to make good decisions. There will be many kinds of experiences. All of which are important to have once you are grown and ready to live your life the way you dreamed. Experience is vital in teaching, learning and personal enjoyment. Learn from what you experience. Make yourself a better person.

LOVE: A deep and tender feeling of affection for or attachment or devotion to a person or persons.

Love is what holds us together. The love for friends, the love for family, the love for parents, even though they may have done you wrong. Hold on to these loves. Love yourself. You can't love others unless you love yourself. Love is important on your journey. When you cry who's shoulder will you use? When you fall who will pick you up? Who will you pick up when they fall? Help others even when you are the one who needs help. Give love and it will be given back to you.

PEACE: An undisturbed state of mind; absence of mental conflict; serenity; harmony.

Peace will come eventually in your journey, even though you may be very angry now. You must know that what is happening to you is not your fault. It was just the way things happened. Learn and accept who you are. Have peace in your heart knowing that everything that you learn, you will use to benefit yourself. But don't hurt other people because of what has happened to you. Have peace within yourself and give peace to others. Once you learn what your place on earth is, you will find peace.

Use these four things on your journey. Don't be afraid to yell out for HELP. It may save your life. Don't blame others for what has happened. Be happy that you got to experience what you have. Now you can spread your knowledge and share what you have learned to help others. Be strong. Be good. Prepare yourself for the time when you get out of foster care. You have got to want a good life to have a good life. Just remember, this will not last forever. Hold onto your hopes and dreams.

Editor's Note: My name is Gino. I'm 19 years old. I was first taken away from home when I was 5. My dad died and my mom was a drug user. I spent 13 years in foster care. I have been in many foster homes. I have been in many different schools. I've run in gangs and I've been in jail. I was even in the drug scene. But one day I opened my eyes and found out where I was going. NO WHERE! Now I'm in college. I've got a good job. I've got good friends and my sister and brothers around me. I've got a good life now. I'm using what I have been through to help other foster children live a better life. I know what you are going through. I hope this letter that I wrote makes life easier and more worth living. So, be strong, live, learn and prosper. If I can do it, so can you.

Hold on to Hope,



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